Offering Members Exclusive Access to Premier Fishing Spots and Expert Guidance in Farmington, PA

Beaver Creek Anglers - Fly Fishing Experiences
Welcome to Beaver Creek Anglers Inc. Come and enjoy a day of fly-fishing on one of Pennsylvania's premier trout streams. Beaver Creek, located just minutes from the five-star Nemacolin Woodlands resort, is nestled in a tranquil valley surrounded by the hemlocks and hardwoods of the Laurel Mountains.
A day on the stream can be a memorable adventure. As the early morning mist rises from the valley floor, the sights and sounds of nature come alive. On one's approach to the stream, white-tail deer may be observed in the neighboring pines, and occasionally, one can get a glimpse of ruffed grouse or turkey darting through the mountain laurel that abundantly borders the stream. Gushing sounds fill the air as the swift, cold mountain waters cut through the rock-laden stream bed.
Once at the streamside, the fun and excitement begin. Easy access to the stream's waters permits one to fish in churning rapids or deep, quiet pools. No matter where, rainbow, brook, tiger, and brown trout can be had. Numerous trout inhabit the stream due to a continuous stocking program. The average fish ranges from thirteen to twenty inches. However, it is not uncommon to land rainbows over twenty inches; our stream manager constantly monitors the stream's fishing activity and is available for needed assistance.
Reservations for fishing can be made via the stream manager. Except for shareholders and season pass holders, reservations with the stream manager are necessary. Fly-fishing tackle is available on a daily rental basis, and flies are available for purchase.