Fly Fishing at Beaver Creek
Beaver Creek is operated to provide a superior fly-fishing experience within the rules of the PA Fish Commission.
Our stream provides a wide variety of fishing challenges with all possible accommodations to improve angling success.
We have rainbow, browns, brookies, and tiger trout (a hybrid of brown and brook trout). The average trout size is 13–20 inches, with occasional 30+ inch fish landed. Each year, the stream is stocked before opening day with a number of fish up to 13 pounds. The stream record is 13 pounds 4 ounces.
The stream does support breeding populations of brook, rainbow, and brown trout. These natives are often caught in the smaller sizes. Any of these fish under 13 inches must be returned to the stream.
Because of the many deep holes and waterfalls, our fish hold well over the summer with few fish losses. We have hatches on Beaver Creek that are consistent with those found on Pennsylvania freestone streams. We have dry fly action when the temperatures rise and sub-surface action the rest of the year.
The regulations for fishing are purposely simple, and all are designed to improve the enjoyment of all fishermen. We allow fly-fishing only on the stream, require barbless hooks, and practice catch and release. Because of the presence of new and young fishermen, we do allow up to 2 fish to be taken. Most of our fishermen rarely take a fish.
A valid PA fishing license is required. All fishermen are required to sign in at the pavilion. Our property extends from the Ohiopyle/Dinnerbell Road to the lower wet bridge. You may fish anywhere in this area. The area directly below the Ohiopyle/Dinnerbell Road is not stocked and is closed in with vegetation. Fishing is superior where the access opens up and downstream. The stream is stocked as often as the angling pressure dictates. During the season, we stock on an average of once a week. Since most members practice catch and release, we have experienced longer stream life for many fish. In recent years, we have increased the number of brown trout in the stream and have seen a corresponding increase in dry fly-fishing as the summer progresses. The average number of anglers on the stream varies from 5-7 per day, with Saturday being the busiest day of the week.
Come and join us on one of Pennsylvania's premier trout streams!