A Brief History of Beaver Creek Anglers, Inc.Â
In 1987, a group of twenty-five fly fishermen in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area got together to purchase a portion of the improved stream at Beaver Creek and surrounding property. This property was part of the land originally owned by Rockwell. The group incorporated and became known as the Beaver Creek Anglers. The property and stream are nestled in a beautiful valley surrounded by hemlocks and mountain laurels.
In January 2021, the organization hired a new stream manager, Dan Williams, who replaced the retiring manager Daryl Bassett. The organization believes that Dan will continue to provide excellent oversight to the Beaver Creek Anglers facilities, as well as provide guidance to our members and guests for a more enjoyable experience on the stream.
The Beaver Creek Anglers is still mostly composed of the original twenty-five shareholders, with the exception of several gentlemen who moved out of state or have since passed away. We now have more than forty shareholders.
The Anglers are operating the stream to provide a positive fishing experience for the area fishermen and to promote fishing as a sport for the young as well as the experienced fishermen.